Wednesday 18 January 2017

STONE GRINDER - Traditional Technique of separating LENTIL / DAL from WHOLE BEANS

Watch Video : 

Quantity : 500grams Cowpeas
Time       : 10 minutes

Know about the Traditional Technique :
Friends, we all must thank to the present technology for giving us a comfortable life style. The present generation is enough lucky to have the access of modern kitchen appliances like wet grinders, mixers, microwaves, toasters etc., that made their life easy and happy. 

How many of us really remember hand operated STONE GRINDER??? It is called as "Visurrayi / Thiragali" in Telugu used by our grand mothers and mothers used to split whole beans like urad dal, cowpeas etc., into dal. It was widely used in olden days and is still in use in our villages. Apart from making Dal, we can also use this Visurrayi to crack wheat, jowar for making rawa, etc., Fortunately, I have all traditional appliances at our home and I enjoy the absolute pleasure of using this traditional Visurrayi whenever needed. 

Friends, many of us may not even know about these traditional kitchen appliances and their usage. So I thought of  sharing the Video showing the skill of splitting Cowbeans to Dal using Visurrayi and separating the husk from dal using "chaata" (really don't know what it is called in Hindi & English). 

Visurrayi ("Chakki" in Hindi), a typical grinder made of 2  flat, coarse stones. We have to add the whole beans in the round whole that is present in the middle of upper stone. Then rotate the upper stone using the wooden handle. Beans slowly move inside to the lower stone and get crushed and split into dal and come out from sides along with the husk. Now take them out into a "chaata" and start tossing them by tapping with two hands.  It separates the husk and small stones and throws out the husk and Dal remains at the back. 

It took just 10 minutes to complete this process to make 500 grams of Dal from whole cowbeans. Now I can easily prepare Vada with this dal. Isn't it amazing...!!! 

Do we really have any similar electronic kitchen tool at present?? I don't think so.. Friends.. ask your grand mothers and mothers.. bring this ethnic kitchen tool from your villages.. get back to the olden, golden days and start using the traditional kitchen appliances. Its really easy...! Enjoy learning the skill of separating Dal from whole Cowbeans.. Happy learning...!